GIS-MO (Getting Information Simply - Mapping Online)

Middle Layer Super Output Areas (MSOAs) 2021

MSOAs are areas within local authorities specifically designed for the publication of statistics and are usually utilised when the statistics cannot be published at the Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) geography as they could be disclosive of an individual's data. MSOAs are based on groups of LSOAs, cover the whole of England, and are designed and maintained by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). As of the 2021 Census there were 43 MSOAs in Dudley. All MSOAs have both a code and a name assigned by ONS that are part of a nation-wide referencing system. The MSOA code and name will show when you click on or zoom in to an area.

Tips on using the map

  1. Enter a postcode or part of an address to locate the map
  2. Click on an area to view attributes and links to further information.